Request and Issue Types allow agents to properly categorize a ticket. Ticket categorization is crucial in getting a ticket in front of the right person as quickly as possible by specifying the exact issue being reported. Deskware can also produce reports based on the contents of these fields allowing you to learn what kinds of issues are producing the most tickets.
Request Types
Deskware comes with several useful Request Types already configured. To see them, click the gear icon in the left-hand navigation. Scroll to Tickets and select Request Types.
Issue Types
Issue Types are similar to Request Types but are used to provide more specific information about an issue or request.
It’s important to note that you can also create Sub-issue Types that are grouped under an Issue Type, allowing for more granularity when categorizing an issue. Issues can be more general and higher-level while Sub-Issues can get as specific as you desire.
To access the Issue Types editor, click the gear icon in the left-hand navigation. Scroll to Tickets and select Issue Types.
As you can see, Deskware only has an “Incident” Issue Type configured by default, so creating more is almost certainly in order.
To learn how to create and edit issues and sub-issues, see this article.