How to configure the Microsoft Teams Integration

With the Microsoft Teams integration, you can send ticket updates into a Teams channel. Setting up the integration is easy.

  1.  Through Teams, right click the channel you want to use for the integration
  2. Click connectors
  3. Find incoming webhook in the list and click add
  4. Name the webhook “Deskware”
  5. Copy the webhook URL.  You will need this later.
  6. Click Save
  7. Login to Deskware
  8. Click on settings
  9. Click on integrations
  10. Click on Microsoft Teams and Activate the integration
  11. Click add new and name the channel and paste the URL from step 5
  12. Click save

Now the integration is setup but you need to add / modify your triggers and set the action to “Send to Teams” to send updates to your channel.

If you require any additional support, please contact Deskware Support at [email protected]